
Electrical Connections
Optional Low Voltage Terminal Package Connections
20. Remote unit shutdown - Two additional contact pairs available for unit shutdown (labeled as
37B and 38B, 37C and 38C). Replace jumpers with field-supplied, normally closed switch having a
minimum 75VA, 24VAC rating. Use Class 1 field-supplied wiring.
21. Common alarm—On any alarm, two additional normally open dry contacts are closed across
terminals 94 and 95 and 96 and 97 for remote indication. 1A, 24VAC max load. Use Class 1
field-supplied wiring.
22. Main fan auxiliary switch—On closure of main fan contactor, normally open dry contact is
closed across terminals 84 and 85 for remote indication. 1A, 24VAC max load. Use Class 1
field-supplied wiring.
23. Liebert Liqui-tect
shutdown and dry contact—On Liebert Liqui-tect activation, normally
open dry contact is closed across terminals 58 and 59 for remote indication (Liebert Liqui-tect
sensor ordered separately). 1A, 24VAC max load. Use Class 1 field-supplied wiring.
Refer to specification sheet for total unit full load amps, wire size amps and maximum
overcurrent protective device size.