B-3 B-3
Power MIG® 215XT
The Power MIG® 215XT is a complete semiautomatic
DC voltage arc welding machine built to meet NEMA
specifications. It combines a tapped transformer volt-
age power source with a constant speed wire feeder to
form a reliable robust performance welding system. A
simple control scheme, consisting of continuous full
range wire feed speed control, and 7 output voltage tap
selections provides versatility with ease of use and
accuracy. An enhanced feature to the Power MIG®
215XT, is that it is Magnum 100SG Spool Gun ready.
Other features include a 2" (51 mm) O.D. wire reel
spindle with adjustable brake, an integral gas cylinder
mounting undercarriage, an adjustable Argon blend
flow regulator with cylinder pressure gauge and inlet
hose, a 15 ft. (3.6 m) Magnum 250L GMAW gun and
cable with fixed (flush) nozzle, a 7 ft. (2.1 m) power
cable with plug, and a 10 ft. (3.0 m) work cable with
Optional Magnum Spool Gun, Push-Pull Guns and
Adapter kits, Dual Cylinder Mounting kit and Aluminum
Feeding Kit for push feeding with standard built in feed-
er are also available.
The POWER MIG® 215XT is recommended for GMA
welding processes using 10 to 44 lb (4.5 to 20 kg) 2"
(51 mm) I.D. spools or Readi-Reel
coils (with option-
al adapter) of .025" through .045" (0.6 – 1.2 mm) solid
wire, .035" (0.9 mm) stainless, 3/64" (1.2 mm) alu-
minum, .035 (0.9 mm), .045" (1.2 mm) Outershield
and .045”(1.2mm) Ultracore
as well as .035" (0.9
mm) and .045" (1.2 mm) Innershield
The Power MIG® is factory equipped to feed .035" (0.9
mm) electrodes. It also includes a 200A, 60% duty
cycle (or 250A, 40% duty cycle) rated, 15 ft. (3.6 m)
GMAW gun and cable assembly equipped for these
wire sizes. Use of GMAW processes requires a supply
of shielding gas.
The POWER MIG® 215XT is rated at 215 amps @ 22
volts, at a 30% duty cycle based on a ten minute cycle
time. It is capable of higher duty cycles at lower output
currents. The tapped transformer design makes it well
suited for use with most portable or in-plant generating
The output voltage/current of the POWER MIG®
215XT is subject to vary if the input power to the
machine varies, due to its tapped transformer power
topology. In some cases an adjustment of WFS preset
and/or voltage tap selection may be required to accom-
modate a significant drift in input power.
See Figure B.1
1. Power ON/OFF Switch — Place the lever in the
"ON" position to energize the POWER MIG® 215XT.
2. Voltage Control — Seven voltage tap selections
are provided Labeled "A" (minimum voltage)
through "G" (maximum voltage). It should only be
adjusted when not welding. The control selection
can be preset to the setting specified on the
Procedure Decal on the inside of the wire compart-
ment door.
3. Wire Speed Control — This controls the wire feed
speed from 50 – 700 inches per minute (1.2 – 17.8
m/min). Wire speed is not affected when changes
are made in the voltage control.
4. Magnum Push Gun and spool gun toggle switch-
Toggle the switch to select between push gun and
spool gun. When spool gun operation is selected,
insert the cable to 4-pin Connector Item 5. (See
Figure B.1a)
5. 4-Pin Connector-For Spool Gun Operation.
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