C-4 C-4
Power MIG® 215XT
In either toggle switch position, closing either gun
trigger will cause the electrode of both guns to be
electrically “HOT”. Be sure unused gun is posi-
tioned so electrode or tip will not contact metal
case or other metal common to work.
1. Setting spool gun selector switch to the “Normal”
position and pulling the trigger for the built-in feed-
er gun.
• Disables spool gun operation and spool gun gas
solenoid valve.
• Closing feeder gun trigger starts feeder gun
welding and makes both electrodes electrically
2. Setting spool gun selector switch to the Spool Gun
Position, select either spool gun and pulling
SPOOL GUN Trigger.
• Disables built-in feeder gun operation and
machine gas solenoid valve.
• Enables spool gun operation and spool gun gas
solenoid valve.
• Closing spool gun trigger starts spool gun weld-
ing and makes both electrodes electrically
3. Operation with POWER MIG® 215XT:
• Turn the POWER MIG® 215XT input power ON.
• Adjusting the voltage tap control will increase or
decrease your welding voltage.
• Adjusting the wire speed control on the spool
gun will increase or decrease the spool gun wire
feed speed.
NOTE: Adjusting the wire feed speed control on
the Power MIG® Panel has no affect on
the spool gun’s wire feed speed.
4. Refer to the procedure decal on the Power MIG®
for initial aluminum settings. Make a test weld to
determine the final settings.
5. To return to normal POWER MIG® 215XT welding,
release the spool gun trigger set spool gun selector
switch to normal and reset feeder gun voltage pro-
cedure setting if necessary.
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