BB-13 BB-13
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Each procedure contains/stores the following information:
• Basic weld parameters as applicable - WFS, Volts,
Trim, Amps
• Weld Mode - Mode Number
• Preflow/Postflow - Time in Seconds
• Run in - WFS Only (work point determined by next
active sequence state)
• Start Parameters - Status, Slope Time, WFS, Volts,
Trim, Amps
• Arc Control - Setpoint
• Crater Parameters - Status, Slope Time, WFS, Volts,
Trim, Amps
• Burnback - Time in Seconds
• Limits - All applicable limits.
In general terms, dual procedure and memory are essen-
tially independent storage locations for information.
Procedures can be thought of as temporary or working
storage locations because they contain the weld settings
readily available for use, and when active, are easily mod-
ified. The dual procedure feature allows the operator to
switch between procedures (A and B) "on the fly" while
welding. In addition to their procedure set-up functions,
the procedure select push buttons serve as a means to
manually select the active feed head (wire drive). Memory
is more of a permanent storage location that cannot be
accessed while welding. It contains one complete set of
procedure information which can be recalled into the
active procedure (A or B). Conversely, the active proce-
dure can be saved into memory for safe keeping.
Dual Procedure / Head Select
This feature allows the user to select Procedure A, Gun
(Remote Select), or Procedure B, as well as selecting the
active feed head (wire drive). The active feed head is indi-
cated by the procedure group (A, Gun, B) with the illumi-
nated LED(s), and only one procedure group / feed head
can be active at a time. Changing the active feed head
can be done in one of two ways. Either remotely
, by
pulling the trigger of the inactive feed head, or locally by
momentarily depressing the procedure select pushbutton
of the inactive head.
When a procedure group / feed head is active, momen-
tarily depressing the procedure select pushbutton will
change from A to Gun, from Gun to B, or from B to A. The
corresponding LED will be lit to let the user know which
procedure is active. When the Gun position is selected,
the Gun LED will be solid red, and the active procedure
LED (A or B) will be flashing.
The active procedure is determined by the dual procedure
(Gun) input located in the gun receptacle, or through the
"Procedure Change with Trigger" feature if properly con-
When in the Gun position, if no dual procedure (Gun)
switch is plugged in, the Procedure defaults to A.
There are a total of four independent procedures avail-
able on this panel. Two for each feed head.
Both the contents of the active procedure, and the active
procedure itself (A to B, or B to A) can be changed "on the
fly" during welding. Changing the active status of the feed
head can only be done when the system is in the idle
state. Procedure settings for each feed head, and active
procedure information are saved at power down.
This feature allows the user to save and recall up to six
individual procedures to/from a secured storage location.
Each of the six memory locations is capable of storing a
complete copy of the information associated with a single
procedure (A or B) including its individual limits. See the
complete list above.
Memories can be accessed at anytime, except when
welding. For wire fed processes this means anytime a
trigger is NOT
activated. For CC processes it means any-
time current is NOT flowing.
Saving to Memory
To save an individual procedure (A or B) to memory, first
be sure the desired procedure of the desired feed head is
active (its LED is on). Press and hold the button of the
memory location you wish to store the procedure into.
After 2 seconds, the LED above the memory button will
begin to flash indicating that the procedure has been
saved. The LED will continue to flash as long as the mem-
ory button is depressed. When released the memory LED
will stay on steady, and remain lit as long as the contents
of the memory remain equal to the contents of the asso-
ciated procedure.
If the memory button is released before the light begins to
flash (t < 2s), a memory recall function will occur instead
of a save function (i.e. the contents of the selected mem-
ory will copied to the active procedure).
It is not required to load all 6 memories at once, nor is it
necessary to load them in order.