BB-16 BB-16
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To Mount a 30 Lb. (14 kg) Readi-Reel Package
(Using the Molded Plastic K363-P Readi-Reel
The Spindle should be located in the LOWER mounting hole.
1) Depress the Release Bar on the Retaining Collar
and remove it from the spindle. See Figure BB.4.
2) Place the Adapter on the spindle.
Re-install the Retaining Collar. Make sure that the
Release Bar “pops up” and that the collar retainers
fully engage the retaining groove on the spindle.
4) Rotate the spindle and adapter so the retaining
spring is at the 12 o'clock position.
5) Position the Readi-Reel so that it will rotate in a
direction when feeding so as to be de-reeled from
bottom of the coil.
6) Set one of the Readi-Reel inside cage wires on the
slot in the retaining spring tab.
7) Lower the Readi-Reel to depress the retaining
spring and align the other inside cage wires with the
grooves in the molded adapter.
8) Slide cage all the way onto the adapter until the
retaining spring "pops up" fully.
Check to be sure the Retaining Spring has fully
returned to the locking position and has SECURELY
locked the Readi-Reel Cage in place. Retaining Spring
must rest on the cage, not the welding electrode.
9) To remove Readi-Reel from Adapter, depress
retaining spring tab with thumb while pulling the
Readi-Reel cage from the molded adapter with both
hands. Do not remove adapter from spindle.
Hot inch occurs when the trigger is pulled and an arc is
not established. After a 1.5 second period, the
Sequencer will jump to the Weld state and the wire
feeder will run at the preset wire feed speed on the dis-
play. The wire is hot (output is on) at this point. Start,
Upslope, Downslope, Crater, Burnback, Postflow, etc
are all skipped when Hot Inch is activated.
A Foot Amptrol Kit can be installed in order to operate
the output of the machine using a pedal. Located on
the Control Box, the Right encoder turns output on/off
if desired. The left encoder sets the max work point
limit. When the pedal is pressed OCV will be present
and gas will not flow. As soon as the tungsten touches
the work and there is current flow, the gas solenoid will
turn on. If the arc breaks the machine will enter the
postflow state. When the postflow timer expires, the
machine will return to OCV mode and no gas will flow
until the arc is established. If the pedal is released it
turns the machine off, postflow will be entered until
time out. When the postflow timer expires the machine
will return to idle state and wait for trigger. Preflow will
be presettable for external triggers if desired.
Triggering machine with encoder will skip preflow.
The system needs to be aware of the electrode polari-
ty. A DIP switch setting on the Wire Drive PC boards is
used for this purpose. See INSTALLATION Section
“Setting DIP Switches in the Wire Drive”.
The systems needs to know which gear has been
installed on the Wire Drive, low or high speed. A DIP
switch setting on the Wire Drive PC boards is used for
this purpose. See INSTALLATION section“Wire Drive
Ratio” for information on how to set the DIP Switch.