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2.4.12 802.1x Configuration
System Configuration
802.1x makes use of the physical access characteristics of IEEE802 LAN
infrastructures in order to provide a means of authenticating and authorising devices
attached to a LAN port that has point-to-point connection characteristics, and of
preventing access to that port in cases in which the authentication and authorisation
process fails.
To enable 802.1x: From Administrator/Switch setting/Misc Config fill in the
authentication server information:
Radius Server IP Address: the IP address of the authentication server.
Server Port: The UDP port number used by the authentication server to
Accounting Port: The UDP port number used by the authentication server to
retrieve accounting information.
Shared Key: A key shared between this switch and authentication server.
NAS, Identifier: A string used to identify this switch.
Perport Configuration
In this page, you can select the specific port and configure the Authorisation State.
Each port can have a selection of four kinds of Authorisation State:
Fu - Force the specific port to be unauthorised.
Fa - Force the specific port to be authorised.
Au - The state of the specific port was determined by the outcome of the
No - The specific port does not support 802.1x functions.