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Switch Static Configuration: Configures the advanced Layer 2 switching functions.
Protocol Related Configuration: Configures the switches IP address settings.
Status and Counters: Displays status/statistical information about the switch.
Reboot Switch: Restart the system or reset switch to default configuration.
TFTP Update Firmware: Use TFTP to download a new firmware image.
Logout: Exit the console configuration program.
<Control Keys>
The following keys perform various functions within the console management:
Tab: Move the cursor to next item.
Backspace: Move the cursor to previous item.
Enter: Select the current item.
Space: Toggle selected item to next option.
4.2 Switch Static Configuration
Many of the following configuration pages use the following <-Action-> options.
<Quit>: Exit the page and return to previous menu.
<Edit>: Configure the options displayed.
<Save>: Save all configured values.
<Previous Page>: Return to previous page (previous ports).
<Next page>: Go to the next page (next ports).
To exit out of Edit mode:
Ctrl+A: Exit configuration more, Go Back to action menu line.