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Using cascaded computers
In use, cascaded computers can be accessed using exactly the same methods
as for those connected directly to the MC5. However, by far the easiest way is
to use the on screen menu. This is because it displays the computer names and
does not require any knowledge of port addresses, some of which (as discussed
above) can be up to six digits long. See the Selecting cascaded computers
section in the Operation chapter for more details.
Testing specic links to cascaded computers
As mentioned previously, the best and most efcient way to access cascaded
computers is by using the on screen menu and via non-specic routes through
the link groups. However, during conguration or troubleshooting, it may be
useful to test specic routes to computers in order to verify the various strands
of each link group. By using specic port addresses for each unit, rather than
link group numbers, you can precisely navigate a route through any part of the
To test a specic link
1 Simultaneously press and hold and .
Note: and are the standard hotkeys and can be altered to avoid
clashes with other devices or software. If you change the hotkeys, remember
to use the new ones in place of and when following these
2 While still holding and , in sequence, press and release the full
address of the required computer – remember to use specic port numbers,
not link group addresses, e.g. 061802, not 424502.
3 When the last digit has been entered, release all keys.