time in snack stops along the way or the idle time spent in a traffic jam.
If you're interested in complete details for this trip, set your threshold
low (0 mph will monitor conditions all the time).
If you'd prefer a more accurate average measure, raise the Threshold
above idle speed. The Trip Calculator will only track time spent and
distance traveled while you're moving faster than the Threshold.
You can adjust this value by pushing on the up and down arrows to ei-
ther side of the
Calculated Data
The rest of the Trip Calculator screen shows you the calculated infor-
mation for your current trip. These text boxes contain values that up-
date in real time, while you watch, so you can see your exact speed or
how far you've already gone.
Current Speed, Average Speed and Max Speed
Current Speed, Average Speed and Max Speed all track your ground
speed as measured by changes in your GPS position.
Trip Time and Trip Distance
Trip Time tells you how long you've been on the road, and Trip Dis-
tance tells you how long your trip has been so far. Remember that these
values are only recorded while you're moving faster than the Threshold
(as described earlier).
GPS Status
The GPS Status command opens a GPS Status Screen, which provides
information on the satellite signals that your iWAY is monitoring to
determine your position. You can access the GPS Status Screen by
GPS STATUS from the Main Menu. A screen like the one in the
following image will appear.
The iWAY GPS Status Screen.