Find Address generates a list of possible matches.
Choose the one you want.
Of course, you already know how to use the Location Information
Screen. You can see how far away the address is, or choose Find On
Map or Go To if you want to begin navigating to it.
Address Book
Address Book allows you to navigate to contacts you've created across
the map. To create a contact, use the Location Information Screen and
ADD TO ADDRESS BOOK. We describe contact creation under the
heading "Creating and Saving Contacts" in Sec. 2.
From the Find Menu, choose
ADDRESS BOOK. A virtual keyboard will ap-
pear allowing you to enter the contact's name (or just enough of it to
find it in your Address Book). You can also use the Find By button to
search by Nearest, which makes the iWAY list your entire Address
Book, with the nearest contact at the top.
You can Address Book contacts by Name (shown left)
or by Nearest (shown right).
Choose the contact you're interested in by selecting it from the list. The
Location Information Screen will appear, allowing you to
GO TO the con-
FIND ON MAP, EDIT its name and display information, or DELETE it.
Choose any of these buttons to continue.