In the example below, Air Traffic Control contacts a pilot flying north-
east across Oklahoma and warns him of a dangerous storm ahead. To
avoid it, they instruct him to fly outbound on a radial of 66° from the
nearby VOR "VCT."
To use OBS Hold:
1. From the Navigation Page, while navigating to something, press ←
or →.
2. A window will pop up asking you if you want to activate OBS Hold.
Press ←|
ENT. Use ← or → to change the OBS Hold radial until it
reaches the angle you need. Press ← to decrease the angle, press → to
increase it.
Left, pilot navigating to VOR. Center, Navigation Panel page with OBS
Hold menu. Right, HSI display with OBS Hold activated. The flashing
OBS Hold message appears and the Course shows the OBS direction
instead of original Course. This image shows the pilot has passed the
VOR and is flying away from it.
The navigation data will now begin showing directions along the OBS ra-
dial instead of toward your original destination. The white arrow behind
the airplane icon indicates you are navigating FROM a waypoint. Re-
member that you can change the radial of OBS Hold using the right and
left arrow keys. Press ← to decrease the angle, press → to increase it.
Use the Clear OBS Hold command to resume navigation. The HSI dis-
play will point to your original destination again. At right, you can see
the pilot's diversion in his trail on the map page.
OBS Hold data box