Aviation Calculators
To help you with flight planning, this unit has three aviation utilities
built into it that let you calculate density altitude, true airspeed, wind
speed and direction, plus vertical navigation.
AirMap also includes another set of general-purpose utilities. These
are discussed in Sec. 4, Utilities.
E6B Altitude/Airspeed Calculator
The Altitude/Airspeed Calculator lets you calculate density altitude or
true airspeed. To get to the altitude/airspeed calculator menu: while in
Aviation Mode, press
The screen in the following image appears.
For each item in the top portion of the screen, press the enter key, use
↑ and ↓ to enter the field value, and then press
EXIT when you're done.
You’ll need to enter indicated altitude (
ALTITUDE), barometric pressure
BARO) in inches of mercury, outside air temperature (TEMP), and cali-
brated airspeed (
In the example shown, the indicated altitude is 5000 feet, barometric
pressure is 30.02", outside air temperature is 15° Celsius, and the cali-
brated airspeed is 129 knots. This gives us a pressure altitude of 4908
feet, a density altitude of 5740 feet, and a true airspeed of 140.4 knots.
Obviously, you don’t need airspeed to calculate density altitude, this
was done for illustration purposes.
E6B Altitude/Airspeed Calculator
E6B Wind Speed/Direction Calculator
To determine the wind speed and direction, first find true airspeed us-
ing the Altitude/Airspeed Calculator (see above). Once you have that,
open the Wind Speed/Direction Calculator. To get to the wind