• Description: Input additional way-
point information.
Display: • Choose how a waypoint will
be displayed on Chart page.
Depth: • Select waypoint depth.
• Alarm Radius: Input distance that
sounds alarm when near a specic
Delete:• This will delete a waypoint.
Save:• Saves your waypoint changes.
Cancel:• Cancels any waypoint changes.
Edit Waypoint name, description, position or depth
To Edit Waypoint name or description:
From the Edit Waypoint menu, select 1.
the Name or Description text box
and press ENTER. The Waypoint
keypad will appear.
Use the keypad to enter the desired 2.
waypoint name and select OK.
To Edit Waypoint position:
From the Edit Waypoint menu select the 1.
latitude or longitude text box and press
Use the Arrow keypad to input the desired 2.
latitude or longitude and select OK.
To Edit Waypoint depth or alarm radius:
From the Edit Waypoint (More) menu select the Depth or Alarm 1.
radius text box and press ENTER. A numerical keypad will appear.
Use the keypad to input the desired depth or alarm radius and press 2.