Trails screen menu
From the Trails screen menu you can create a new trail, edit a trail or delete a trail.
To open the Trails screen menu, press the MENU key from the Trails screen. The
following features are listed in the order they appear in the Trails screen menu, top
to bottom:
Edit:• Opens the Edit Trail
New:• Opens the New Trail
Show:• Brings up the Chart
page and shows the trail.
Display: • Select or deselect to
display or not display trail on
Chart page.
Record:• Select or deselect to
actively record a trail.
Delete:• Deletes a selected trail.
• Delete All: Select to delete all trails.
Find:• Use to search for trails in the Trails screen.
New Trail menu
You can edit a trail from the New Trail menu or from the Edit Trail menu once a
trail is created.
To Create a New Trail:
1. From the Pages screen, select Utilities
and press ENTER. The Waypoints and
Routes screen will appear.
From the Waypoints and Routes 2.
screen select Trails. The Trails screen
will appear.
3. From the Trails screen, press MENU.
The Trails screen menu will appear.
From the Trails screen menu select 4. New, press MENU. The New
Trail menu will appear, select Save.
Trails screen menu
New Trail menu