The LMS-350A operates from
50 or 192 kHz, either inde-
pendently or simultaneously.
The sonar unit comes with a
192 kHz transducer, other op-
tional transducers are avail-
able. See the transducer dia-
gram on page 3 for single or
dual transducer connections.
The chart can operate from a
different frequency than the
digital sonar.
The LMS-350A chart's operating frequency is 192 kHz when it's first
turned on. To change frequencies, first press the MENU key. The
menu shown above appears.
Next, press the key adjacent
to the "Select Sonar Fre-
quency" label. The screen
shown at left appears.
This menu lets you change
the frequency of both the
chart and the digital sonar.
Typically, you should use the
192 kHz frequency in shallow
water and the 50 kHz fre-
quency in deep water.
Now press the key adjacent to the desired frequency, either 50 kHz,
192 kHz, or both 50 and 192 kHz-split screen operation. (Note: Only the
chart can operate at both frequencies at the same time.) The unit will
begin scrolling echoes across the display. The frequency in use will also
be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: The 192 kHz frequency for both the chart and digital sonar is
enabled when the LMS-350A is turned on for the first time or after a
preset. This feature is saved in the battery-backed-up memory.