
You'll have to tell the LMS-350A which beacon receiver's data to expect
and set up the parameters for that data. To do this, first press the MENU
key, then press the key next to the "Change GPS Settings" label. Now
press the key next to the "Select NMEA/DGPS" label. The screen on the
previous page appears. Press the key next to the desired beacon receiver.
The beacon receiver is selected, now you'll need to set it up for the
frequency and bit rate of the station you'll be using in your area.
Now press the key next to the "Setup Beacon Receiver" label. The screen
shown below appears.
The station frequency and bit
rate are shown on the right side
of the screen. Press the key
adjacent to the "INC FREQ" to
increase the station frequency
or the "DEC FREQ" to decrease
it. Do the same for the bit rate.
(Note: If you set the frequency
to zero, the Starlink MRB-2A
will automatically change fre-
quencies and bit rates for new
stations as you travel. Otherwise, you will have to manually change the
frequency and bit rate when you move out of range of the current station.)
When the station frequency and bit rate are adjusted to their proper
settings, press the key next to the "EXIT" label. The LMS-350A returns to
the last used GPS screen. The letters "DGPS" appear next to the
"POSITION" on all screens that show your present position, showing that
the beacon receiver is working.
To view the status of the beacon signal, press the MENU key until the
fourth menu page appears. Now
press the key adjacent to the
"Differential GPS Status" label.
If the beacon receiver is receiv-
ing data from the transmitter
and is connected properly to
the LMS-350A, a screen simi-
lar to the one shown at right