vi Preface
Copyright © 2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
• Chapter 3, BIOS Configuration Utility, explains how to configure ICH6R
SATA and arrays, assign RAID levels, plan the array configuration,
optimize storage, and use the ICH6R IDE Setup Utility.
• Chapter 4, Operating System Installation, contains the procedures for
installing the Windows 2000, 2003, and XP, Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux,
and Novell NetWare operating systems when using the Embedded SATA
Software RAID.
• Chapter 5, Hyper Configuration Utility, , describes the command line
utility for SATA RAID, which is used to configure and manage RAID
• Chapter 6, Spy Service, describes the Spy Service program, which looks for
errors, failed drives, and status changes in the hard drives.
• Chapter 7, Troubleshooting, describes the problems you might encounter
while using ICH6R and suggests solutions.
Conventions Used in This Manual
The following table describes the notational conventions used throughout
this manual:
Notation Example Meaning and Use
courier typeface .nwk file Names of commands, directories, filenames, and on-screen text
are shown in courier typeface.
bold typeface fd1sp In a command line, keywords are shown in bold, non-italic
typeface. Enter them exactly as shown.
italics module In command lines and names, italics indicate user variables.
Italicized text must be replaced with appropriate user-specified
items. Enter items of the type called for, using lower case.
italic underscore full_pathname When an underscore appears in an italicized string, enter a user-
supplied item of the type called for with no spaces.
Initial Capital letters Undo
Names of menu commands, options, check buttons, text but-
tons, options buttons, text boxes, list boxes, etc., are shown in
text with Initial Capital lettering to avoid misreading. These ele-
ments may appear on your screen in all lower case.
brackets [version] You may, but need not, select one item enclosed within brack-
ets. Do not enter the brackets.
ellipses option... In command formats, elements preceding ellipses may be
repeated any number of times. Do not enter the ellipses. In
menu items, if an ellipsis appears in an item, clicking that item
brings up a dialog box.