6-4 Spy Service
Copyright © 2004 by LSI Logic Corporation. All rights reserved.
6.4 Uninstalling Spy Service
Perform the following steps to uninstall Spy Service.
Step 1. Stop the Spy Service program.
See “Section 6.1, “Starting or Stopping Spy Service under Windows 2000, XP,
or 2003” for instructions on stopping Spy Service.
Step 2. Click on Start→ Control Panel.
The Control Panel displays.
Step 3. Click on Add/Remove Programs.
The list of currently installed programs displays.
Step 4. Click on the Spy Service program and select Remove.
6.5 Spy Service Icon
The icon for the Spy Service displays in the bottom right corner of the
Embedded SATA Console screen (in the tray bar). The icon is a round figure
wearing sunglasses.
The icon is color-coded. Green means that there are no problems. Yellow means
that there is a rebuild in progress or there are media errors and a possible drive
failure. Red warns of a critical problem that could cause the system to fail.
Hold the cursor over the icon (“mouseover”) and a short text displays that
describes the system status. Right click on the icon and the following options
Stop monitor media error The program stops searching for media errors.
Erase error log The program deletes the errors that were recorded on the
error log.
Stop Spy This stops the program and deletes the icon from the
taskbar. You can start the program again using the
instructions in “Section 6.1, “Starting or Stopping Spy
Service under Windows 2000, XP, or 2003”