
Communications System Planning Forms
How To Use the Forms
The following table shows what procedures should be used and to which
communications systems forms they correspond in planning for voice mail
system installation and programming:
CS Form
Assign the extensions associated with the VMS
Hunt Group
hardware to Hunt Group 7.
Extensions (#505)
Assign lines to Hunt Group 7 so calls can ring
Group Call
directly to the VMS and receive Automated
Distribution (#206)
Attendant Service.
Identify an extension as an owner of an outside Line Coverage
A, B2
line so calls on that line can ring directly to the Extension (#208)
owner’s voice mailbox when Automatic VMS Cover
or VMS Cover is on at owner’s ext.
Determine when outside calls should be answered
VMS Hunt Delay A
by the Automated Attendant Service of the VMS
(i.e., immediate or delayed call handling).
Determine when outside calls should ring the VMS VMS Hunt Schedule A
Hunt Group (always, day only, or night only)
depending on the status of the Night Service
Button at ext. 10.
Determine whether an extension’s unanswered
Automatic VMS B2
intercom and transferred calls and outside calls on
Cover (#310)
lines assigned ownership are automatically
covered by the VMS.
Specify the number of times intercom and
VMS Cover Rings A
transferred calls or outside calls on lines assigned
ownership ring at extensions before they are sent
to the VMS.
Identify the extension to which a call transferred by
Transfer Return
the VMS should be routed if the destination
Extension (#306)
extension does not answer and does not have
voice mail coverage active. (The transfer return
extension for the VMS is typically ext. 10).