
Understanding Programming
Form 5A: Night Menu Prompt: Secondary Language. Used only if the
system is set for Bilingual Mode. Shows the script used to record the
Night Menu Prompt in the Secondary Language.
Form 6: Line Ownership. Identifies the lines assigned VMS Line
Coverage. Also shows for each owned line, the associated telephone
number, the name of the subscriber who owns the line, and the owner’s
mailbox number.
Samples of these forms and instructions for completing them are included in
Appendix D.
Using System Programming
A special login number is required to program the voice messaging system.
The following information applies to this login:
The login number is 99.
99 is not an extension number.
This login does not have an associated mailbox.
The language associated with this login is either the System Language
chosen for Monolingual Mode or the Primary Language chosen for
Bilingual Mode; it cannot be changed.
This login’s factory-set Password is 1234. If you are the System Manager,
refer to “Changing Your Password” in Chapter 5 to change the password
before you begin to program the system.
Although this login has a Password, it does not have an associated
To begin programming the voice messaging system, you make a call to the
Voice Mail Service, enter the login and password, and select option 9 (you are
not prompted for this option). This takes you to the Programming Main Menu
(shown in Figure 3-1).