ASAI and Call Routing
7-4 Issue 7 May 1998
uui_info The UUI IE sent over an ISDN trunk can contain more
data than the UUI IE sent to ASAI. This happens when
the ISDN trunk group is administered with
supplementary service protocol other than B, and the
UUI IE Treatment is set to “shared”. The UUI for ASAI is
packed within the shared UUI before it is sent over an
ISDN trunk, and is unpacked at the other end.
This is transparent to the ASAI adjuncts, with two
1. If the maximum size UUI allowed on the ISDN trunk
is exceeded, then the lower priority data items will
be dropped. Whether or not this means that ASAI
UUI is dropped depends on the priorities of the data
items. These priorities are administered on each
trunk group form. Each item stored in shared UUI
uses two extra bytes.Therefore, if the ISDN trunk
group is administered to allow a shared UUI length
of 32 bytes then the ASAI UUI will be limited to 30
bytes instead of 32.
2. If a service provider, or customer equipment other
than a DEFINITY ECS (R6.3 or later) will be
interpreting the contents of the UUI IE, then the
trunk group used to place those calls should have
its UUI IE Treatment set to “service-provider”. This
sends the UUI as specified by the ASAI application,
without change.
For more information, see the Section, ‘‘Integrated
Services Digital Network (ISDN),’’ in Chapter 12, ‘‘ASAI
and Feature Interactions.’’
UCID (Universal Call
Starting with Release 6, UCID is included in the Route
Request Report only if it exists in the DEFINITY ECS
and the “Send UCID to ASAI”
field is administered to
‘y’. It is a unique tag assigned to each ECS call.
Flexible Billing [optional] Starting with G3V4, this parameter specifies
that the billing rate can be changed for an incoming
900-type call. This parameter is present if the feature is
allowed for the call and the Flexible Billing customer
option is assigned to the ECS.
II-Digits [optional] Starting with R5, if a call with II-Digits
encounters an adjunct routing step during vector
processing, then the II-Digits will be included in the
route request message sent to the ASAI adjunct by the