Ordering Documents
Issue 7 March 1998
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6 Call Vectoring/Expert
Agent Selection (EAS) Guide
, 555-230-521
This manual documents call vectoring for the DEFINITY ECS.
CallVisor ASAI CD Document Set
, 585-246-801
This CD ROM contains four CallVisor ASAI release 6 documents. These are
CallVisor ASAI Technical reference, CallVisor ASAI Protocol Reference, CallVisor
ASAI Overview, and CallVisor ASAI PC. This CD also contains two Release 5
documents, CallVisor ASAI DEFINITY LAN Gateway (DLG) over MAPD and
CallVisor ASAI PC LAN (CV/LAN) over MAPD.
BCS Products Security Handbook
, 555-025-600
This manual provides information on securing various Lucent Technologies
products against toll fraud.
With regard to CallVisor ASAI, the importance of security cannot be
overestimated. It is just as important to secure the processor the application
resides on as it is to secure the ECS.
Ordering Documents
To order this book, or any other Business Communications System (BCS)
document, call the BCS Publications Center at 1 800 457-1235; the fax number is
1 800 457-1764.
For international calls the number is 317 322-6791; the international fax number is
317 322-6699.
In addition, a complete list of BCS documents is available in the
Communications System Publications Catalog
, 555-000-010.
How to Comment on This Document
Lucent Technologies welcomes your comments on this document. Please
complete the reader comment card attached at the end of this document. If you
are in the United States you can mail this card to us. Customers outside the
United States can fax the card to 1 732 957-4562. If this card is missing, please
note the document title and the document number on your correspondence,
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server CallVisor ASAI Technical