DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-641EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
1139 ABORT The Packet Bus in an EPN (Port Network 2 or 3) has a major alarm against it.
This test needs to use the alarmed port network’s packet bus.
1. Resolve the Packet Bus alarm.
2. Retry the command.
1140 ABORT Not enough packet ports are available to complete this test.
1. If the port network being tested does not contain any packet circuit
packs, ignore the results of this test.
2. If the port network being tested does contain packet circuit packs,
determine if any or all of them are faulty by examining the alarm and error
3. If any faulty circuit packs are found, refer to the appropriate Maintenance
documentation for the recommended repair procedures and try to
resolve any problems. Then, retry the command.
4. If no faulty boards are found, all of the ports are busy. Use the busyout
board PCSS command to busyout a packet circuit pack or wait for one to
become idle and retry the command.
1141 ABORT The Packet Control circuit pack is out-of-service.
1. Determine if the Packet Control circuit pack is busied out. (This is
indicated by an Error Type 18 logged against PKT-CTRL.) If it is, release
it via the release packet-control command, and retry the command.
2. If the Packet Control circuit pack is NOT busied out, refer to PKT-CTRL
Maintenance documentation for the repair procedure for the Packet
Control circuit pack.
1144 ABORT The Packet Bus in the PPN has a major alarm active against it.
1. Resolve the alarm in the PPN.
2. Retry the command.
1195 ABORT An EI link switched during this test.
1. Retry the command at one minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
Table 10-216. TEST #589 Expansion Interface Packet Interface Test
— Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page