DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Maintenance for R6vs/si
Issue 1
August 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-208set options
■ AT&T Adjunct Port (ATT-PORT)
■ Ethernet ASAI Port (LGATE-PT)
■ Ethernet ASAI Adjunct (LGATE-AJ)
■ Ethernet AT&T Port (ATTE-PT)
■ Ethernet AT&T Adjunct (ATTE_AJ)
■ ISDN-BRI Ports connected to Adjuncts (ABRI-PORT)
Adjuncts are administered as stations; however, the administration of alarm
severity for the station alarm group does not affect alarm severity levels for
adjuncts. Similarly, the administration of alarm severity for the adjunct alarm
group does not affect the alarm severity levels for other stations.
PI-Link and Associated Link MOs Affected by
this Command:
Although alarms on some MOs appear as warnings, the alarms should be
investigated with user-related problems.
■ See Processor Interface Link [“PI-LINK (Processor Interface Link)”] for
other associated Link Maintenance Objects.
Memory Card MOs Affected by This Command
While this option does not automatically downgrade CAP-MEM alarms,
changes to this options may downgrade alarms to warnings. This alarm
raises when memory card translation capacity exceeds 98% and is
intended to alert Services that larger flash cards may be required.
■ Memory Card Capacity (CAP-MEM)
Other MOs Affected by this Command
Although alarms on some MOs appear as warnings, the alarms should be
investigated with user-related problems.
■ EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack (MAINT)
■ Expansion Interface (EXP-INTF)
■ ISDN-PRI Signaling Group (ISN-SGR)
■ Journal Printer (JNL-PRNT)