DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Multicarrier G2 Universal Module to R8r EPN
5-9Read This First
Save Translations
1. Log in at the Manager II on the G2.
2. Type
(run tape, execute) and press
Enter. This instructs the system to
write all translation information from memory to the tape.
3. Remove the system tape and install the backup tape.
4. Type
and press
Make Source Tape for TRACS Report
A spare G2 tape must be acquired from the remediation before performing the
following steps. For each processor, there must always be 2 tapes on site with
the G2 system. Do not send a system or backup tape to STS. After performing
the previous procedures, copy the G2 translations to the spare tape used to
make the TRACS report.
1. Remove the backup tape and install the spare tape.
2. Type
and press
Enter. This command instructs the system to write all
translation information from memory to the tape.
3. Remove the source tape.
4. Insert the system tape.
5. Mail the source tape (next-day delivery) to STS for use in making the G2
TRACS report.
System Upgrades
There are many configurations of DEFINITY G2 in the field. Each system can
have a unique configuration. However, to simplify Release 8 upgrades:
■ The existing common control is always replaced by a multicarrier PPN
■ Existing traditional modules are replaced by EPNs
■ Existing universal modules are upgraded to EPNs
A new multicarrier cabinet would then always serve as the PPN. If a G2 universal
module is upgraded to a DEFINITY ECS Release 8 EPN, hardware changes
(including carrier replacement) are required.