DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Upgrading G3rV2, V3, V4 to R8r and Adding Memory
1-5Task Tables
Verify Interchange (H/C only) 1-15
Upgrade other carrier (H/C only) 1-15
Affix position label(s) 1-15
Verify software version 1-16
Save Translations 1-16
Save Announcements (if necessary) 1-16
Restore Disk 1-16
Upgrade Software 1-17
Reset SPE status (H/C only) 1-17
List Configuration Control 1-17
Set Daylight Savings Rules 1-18
Set Date and Time 1-19
Set Core Dump Vector 1-20
Enable TTI 1-20
Release MMI (H/C only) 1-21
Resolve Alarms 1-21
Check Link Status 1-21
Enable Scheduled Maintenance 1-21
Enable Customer Options and Alarm Origination to INADS 1-21
Check SPE status (H/C only) 1-22
Save Translations 1-22
Save Announcements (if necessary) 1-22
Back Up Disk 1-23
Return Replaced Equipment 1-23
Continued on next page
Table 1-2. Tasks to upgrade the software and hardware — Continued
Task Description Page