Configuration 3: R8si<—x.25 —> R8r Gateway
<—ethernet—> R8si
Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
3 C-LAN Administration
Switch 2 Task — Assign Link via procr-intf Data Module to Switch 1
This task administers a processor-interface data module for the x.25 connection to
node 1. The data module associates a link number with a physical channel number
and extension number for the PI port used for this connection.
> Open Data Module form — enter a da n
> Enter values.
add data-module next
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Data Extension: 4121 Name: _x.25 on link 2 to node-1__
Type: procr-intf COS: 1 Maintenance Extension: 4191
Physical Channel: 02_ COR: 1 Destination Number: 8122102
ITC: Restricted TN: 1 Establish Connection? n
Link: 2_ DTE/DCE: dce Connected Data Module: _______
Enable Link: n
List1: _______________
SPECIAL DIALING OPTION: ________________
ASSIGNED MEMBER (Station with a data extension button for this data module)
Ext Name
Field Conditions/Comments
Type: This indicates the data-module type for this
Physical Channel: This must be the same as the link number.
ITC: Enter restricted. (unrestricted is used only for
wideband transmission.)
Link: The link number must be in the range 1 –25 (for
R8si), not previously assigned on this switch.
Name: Information-only; appears in list generated by the “list
data module” command.
The values for these fields will be specified by the
system administrator.
DTE/DCE: The DTE/DCE assignments must be opposites on the
two ends of the connection. Use dte for node 1.
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