Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
3 C-LAN Administration
3 Remove old circuit packs:
~ Turn off the power.
~ For the csi model, remove the Processor (TN798) circuit pack (Don’t
remove the processor circuit pack if it is a TN798B).
~ For the si model, remove the Processor (TN790), PACCON (TN778),
and NETCON (TN777) circuit packs. If there are X.25 connections
that the customer wants to keep, leave the PI (TN765) circuit pack in
the switch; otherwise remove it.
~ For the r model, if there are X.25 connections that the customer wants
to keep, leave the PGATE (TN755) circuit pack in the switch;
otherwise, remove it.
4 Install new circuit packs on all switches upgrading from a pre-R7
software load to R8:
~ For csi models: install the TN798B (processor) and TN799B
(C-LAN) circuit packs.
~ For si models: install the TN790B (processor), TN794 (NetPkt), and
TN799B (C-LAN) circuit packs. For any PPN or EPN that will be
carrying packet data, replace the TN776 (Expansion Interface) with
the TN570B or TN570C circuit pack.
~ For r models: install TN799B (C-LAN.)
The C-LAN circuit pack is required for TCP/IP (ppp and ethernet)
connections. In all cases, the R8 software will run without the TN799B
(C-LAN) circuit pack; all other new circuit packs are required for R8.
5 Install the R8.1 Software on all switches upgrading to R8.1
6 Copy translations from translations flash card or tape (G3r). Use the
“working” flash card if step 3 was performed.
NEW and UPGRADE Systems — the following items apply to both new systems
and systems being upgraded to R8 from a previous release. For more information
about the checklist item, refer to the appropriate installation book in "References",
page 56.
7 Established physical connections at each node.
8 Set software version on the System Parameters Customer Options form.
General Administration for new installations — the following translations should
already be in place for existing systems and usually should not need to be changed
for an upgrade to R8 unless new nodes are being added to the network. Refer to
appendix A for more information about these tasks.
9 DS1 circuit packs administered
✔ Checklist Item
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