Each hlt --or before you store your
MANTIS Tiller for an)' long period -- be
sure to take these measures:
1 Do not store your Tiller with fuel
still in it Even under ideal conditions,
stored fuel containing ethanol or MTBE
can start to go stale in 30 days And,
since stale fuel has a high gum content,
it can clog the carburetor, this, in tmn,
will resuict fuel flm_:So, when you're
ready to store your Tiller, or will not
be using it for more than 2 weeks,
drain the fuel tank completely, (Picture 2)
2. Next, restart the engine to make
sure no fuel is left in the carburetor.
Then run the engine until it stops lqais
wilt pre_ent gum deposits, forming
inside of the carburetor and possible
engine damage.
3. Disconnect spark plug wire and
remove the spark plug (Use the wrench
that comes in our optional Hand}, item
Kit, Item #8444 Or use a 19mm or 3/4"
spark-plug wrench.) Pour about a
teaspoon of clean, air-cooled, two-cycle
oil through Ore spark-plug hole into the
combustion chamber (Picture 3) Leaving
the spark plug out slowly pull the starter
cord two or three times to coat ttae inside
of the cylinder walt
4..Replace the spark plug with a NGK-
BPMSY A replacemem spark plug is
included in the optional Handy Item Kit
item # 8444.
5. Install the spark plug, but leave the
spark plug wire disconnected
6 Clean the air fitter as described on
Page t I.
7 Clean dirt, grass, and other
materials fi'om the entire machine..
8. Wipe the tines with off or spray
them with WD-40, to prevent rusting
9. Oil the throttle cable and all visible
moving parts. (Do not remove the
engine cover..)
10. Replace the fuel filter.
11.Check the grease level in the worm
gear housing, as described on page I 1
t2 Order new parts to replace any
that are badly worn or broken..Just call
,*'ourlocal authorized MANTIS dealer.
13 Store your TilleL in an upright
position, in a clean, dry place Youcan
store with the bandies in an extended
position or folded down. (Picture 1)
14 To fold the handles, follow these
easy steps: Loosen tim handle knobs
(#40), fold the handles forward (see
picture 1, inset) "i'ighten knob securel}:
Your handles are now foIded and ready
to store in a smaller area
t5 Do you have fuel Iefl over from
last season? Dispose of it properly Buy
fresh oil and gasoline next season
How to Prepare Your
MANTIS Tiller for
Unfold the handles into an upright or
extended position Tighten the two
handle knobs (#40)
In the Spring. when you take },our Tiller
out of storage, remove the spark plug..
Pull tire starter cord three or four times
to clean oil fl'om the combustion
(Picture 4) Wipe oil from tile spark
plug. Place the spark plug back into the
cylinder Re-connect the spark plug wire
back on tile spark plug. 7"hen follow the
steps on pages 9 & !0 to refuel and
restart },our Tiller
Again, Check the
If },our Tiller won't restart in the
Spring -- or if it lacks its usual power
due carburetor may need attention..
Follow tile steps on page 19 for adjusting
the H and Lscrews (Picture 5)
Check the Spark Plug Too.
Ifyour Tiller won't restart, or if it
lacks full power, the spark plug may be
at fault Check to see if the plug is
fouled with oily black deposits Clean or
replace it if it is (Picture 6)
Also, check whether the center
electrode is rounded at the end,
or' if the ground electrode is worn If
either is the case, you should replace it
with a NGK-BPMSY spark plug Use a
19mm or a 3/4" spark-plug wrench to
install it, Adjust the plug gap to ,024 -
028 in, (0 6 to 0 7 ram)
Caution: Do not over tighten
the plugo The correct torque is 18 to
22 ft-lbs (24-30 n m)
17oavoid possible damage to the
threads, do not try to remove
the plug from a hot aluminum
t3,Iinder head.
Picture l
Picture 2 Pic;ure 3
Picture 4
Picture5 Picture6
................... II
:AwanmNaA:: : :
:always make sure the handle II
i::i ::::knebs are secure before II
::starting your MANTIS Tiller. I]