
ProMem Cause Remedy
l, Tines don't turn when throttte . Engine is not seated properly on the gear Rednsta[t engine follo_ving the instructions
is depressed housing on page 12 (How to reseat the flange)
2 Engine fails to start oil switch is ill "o_'position Move switch to "l "
Fill Tank°
Replace Strainer
" Clean fuelline
Install new spark plug
. Replace sparlt plug
Replace lead wire m attach to spark plug
. Comact )'our local authorized dealer
3 Engine hard to start Water in gasoline or suale fuel mixture Drain entire system and refill with
fresh fuel.
Too much oil in fuel mixture Drain and refill with correct mixture
Engine under or over choked If flooded by over choking proceed
according to instructions in operation
section If under choked move choke
lever to closed position and crank two or
three times,,
CarburEtor out of adjustment See "Carburetor Adjustment"
Gasket leaks (carburetor or cylinder Replace g_kets
base gasket).
Weal:.spark at spark plug Contact your local authorized dealer"
4. Engine continuously floods Fuel tank vent line is not in an Return the fuel tank vent line to the
upright position, upright position and place it under the
cylinder cover in the small "pocket" ill
the cylinder cover
_5 There is black smoke coming from ......................." Tt_e muffler screen is clogged '. Clean carbon from multler s'creen (page 12)
6. Engine misses.
7, Engine laclcs power
No fuel in tank.
Fuel strainer clogged
Fuel line clogged
Spark plug shorted or fouled
Spark plug is broken (cracked
porcelain or electrodes broken)
Ignition lead wire shorted, broken or
disconnected from spark plug
Ignition inoperative
Dirt in fuel tine or carburetor
, Carburetor improperly adjusted
* Spark plug fouled, broken or incorrect
gap setting
, Weak ot intermittent spark at spark plug
* Air fiher dogged.
. Carburetm out of adjustment
. Muffler clogged
C,togged exhaust ports
Remove and dean
See "Carburetor Adjustment."
Clean or replace spark plug - set gapto
024- 028 in (0.6-0.7 ram)
Contact your local authorized dealer
Spark Arrestor Clogged
Poor compression
8. Engine overheats. , Insufficient oil in fuel mLxmre
Air flow obstructed
9. Engine noisy or knoeldng , Spark plug in incorrect heat range.
Bearings piston ring or cylinder waits
are worn
I0 Engine stalls under toad Carburetor adjustment too "lean, See "Carburetor Adjnsunent
. Engine overheats . Remove dust and dirt from bet_een fins
Clean or replace air filter.
See *'Carburetor Adjustment"
Clean carbon from muffler,
. Remove muffler, rotate engine until the
piston isat top of cylinder With a
wooden scraper or blunt toot, remove all
carbon from exhaust ports Be careful not
to scratch or damage piston or cylinder
wails Blow out all loose carbon with
compressed air Install muffÊer and gasket
Clean Spark Arrestor
Contact your Local authorized deMer
MLxfuel as described in starting
° Clean flywheel cylinder fins and screen
Replace with plugs specified for engine,
Contact your local authorized dealer