Q125 : GXPQ7100(MASK)
Pin No. Pin Name I/O Description
1 FTMUT O Actuator driver mute signal for foc/track
2 SLMUT O Actuator driver mute signal for spin/sledg
3 AMUT O Muting on/off "L" : muting on for CXD3068Q
4 SMUT O Muting on/off signal output to the DSD decoder "H" : muting on
5 XRST O System reset signal output (L= reset)
6 CD/XDVD O CD/DVD(SACD) mode selection signal output (L=CD, H=SACD)
7 LOCK I GFS is sampled by 460 Hz "H" input when GFS is. "H"
9 AMPSDT I/O Serial data transfer DATA signal input,output
10 AMPSCK O Serial data transfer clock signal output
11 AMPSEN O Serial data transfer enable signal (H=enable)
12 XDECSEL O OPU block on/off for modulation circuit (L=on)
13 VSS O Ground terminal (digital system)
14 D0 I/O Two-way data bus
15 D1 I/O Two-way data bus
16 D2 I/O Two-way data bus
17 D3 I/O Two-way data bus
18 D4 I/O Two-way data bus
19 D5 I/O Two-way data bus
20 D6 I/O Two-way data bus
21 D7 I/O Two-way data bus
22 XDECINT0 I Interrupt signal input from CXD1881R
23 XDECINT1 I Interrupt signal input from CXD1881R
24 TZC I Track signal, OPU in case by traversal the disc track line
25 PE3 - NC
26 PE3 - NC
27 SEEK O Display data ready signal output to the feature MPU ("H" : read)
28 REQST O Reqest signal CXD1882R
29 NC - Not used (open)
30 DECMNT1 I RF signal monitor input from CXD1882R
31 FOK I Focus on signal
32 GFSDEC I Guard frame sync signal input
33 DRVRXD I Input signal data from the feature MPU
34 DRVTXD O Output signal data for the featur MPU
35 DRVCLK I Input signal clock from the featur MPU
36 XDRVRDY O Output data signal readey for the featur MPU
37 DRVIRQ O Iutput data signal readey from the featur MPU
38 XRESET I Power on reset signal input (L=reset)
39 VSS Ground terminal (digital system)
40 XTAL I System clock input terminal (20 MHz)
41 EXTAL O System clock output terminal (20 MHz)
42 VDD Power supply terminal (+3.3V) (digital system)
43 DSPXLAT O Serial data latch pulse signal output to the CXD3068Q
44 XMSLAT O Serial data latch pulse signal output to the CXD2752R
45 MSCK O Serial data transfer clock signal output to CXD2752R
46 MSDTO O Serial data output to the DSD CXD2752R
47 MSDTI I Serial data input from the CXD2752R
48 MSREADY I Ready signal input from the CXD2752R "L" : ready
49 DSPDTO O Serial data output to the CXD3068Q
50 DSPSCK O Serial data clock input from the CXD3068Q
51 SENS I Internal status (SENSE) signal input from CXD3068Q
52 SQSO I Subcode Q data input
53 SNSCK O Serial status data clock output to the CXD3068Q
54 SQCK O Subcode Q data reading clock signal output
55 VSS Ground terminal (digital system)
56 JITIN I Jitter signal input terminal
57 AMPMNT I Monitor signal from the CXD1881R
58 -ATT I -12dB atteneation request signal input "L" : attenation on
59 P17 - NC
60 PJ0 - NC
61 SCSY O GRSCOR data sync request signal for CXD3068Q
62 GFSDSP I Frequency generator signal input
63 C2PO I C2 pointer signal input from the CXD3068Q
64 MIRR I Mirror signal input from CXD3068Q
65 DECMNT2 I Monitor signal from the CXD1882R