
SCSI Description
5-60 Maxtor Atlas 10K III
The port control mode page (see Table 5-76 and Table 5-77) contains those parameters
that affect SPI SCSI device port operation options. The page will be implemented by
LUN 0 of all SPI SCSI devices. The page will not be implemented by logical units
other than LUN 0. The implementation of any bit and its associated functions is
optional. The page follows the MODE SENSE/MODE SELECT rules specified by
SCSI Primary Commands-2 standard.
The target will maintain an independent set of port control mode page parameters for
each initiator. The parameters saveable bit in the mode page format header returned
with MODE SENSE command will be set to zero if the long mode page format is
being used (LONG bit set to one), indicating the parameters are not saved through
Port Control Page Short Format
The Protocol Identifier field of 1h indicates the protocol that this mode page applies
to a SPI SCSI device. See the SCSI Primary Commands-2 standard for other port
control page protocol identifiers.
The Synchronous Transfer Timeout field indicates the maximum amount of time in
1 millisecond increments that the target will wait before generating an error by doing
an unexpected bus free. The target will only go to a BUS FREE phase if one of the
following events causes the timer, once started, to not reset or reload before expiring:
If there is a REQ transition when there are no outstanding REQs
waiting for an ACK then load and start the timer.
If there is a REQ transition when there are any outstanding REQs
waiting for an ACK then there is no effect on the timer.
If there is an ACK transition when there are outstanding REQs waiting
for an ACK then load and start the timer.
If after an ACK transition there are no outstanding REQs waiting for
an ACK then stop the timer.
indicates that the function is disabled. A value of FFFFh indicates an
unlimited period.
0 PS LONG(0) Page Code (19h)
1 Page Length (06h)
2 Reserved
3 Reserved Protocol Identifier (1h)
4 MSB Synchronous Transfer Timeout
5 Synchronous Transfer Timeout LSB
6 Reserved
7 Reserved