Performance Features
Introduction and Performance Features
• Power Output
The MC58 consists of eight separate power amplifier chan-
nels, each capable of 50 watts into 4 ohm speakers with
less than 0.005% distortion. This is 400 watts of McIntosh
power in a single package.
• Power Guard
All eight channels include the patented McIntosh Power
Guard Circuit, that prevents the amplifier from being
overdriven into clipping with its harsh distorted sound that
can also damage your valuable loudspeakers.
• Sentry Monitor
McIntosh Sentry Monitor power output stage protection
circuits are present on all eight channels to ensure the
MC58 will have a long and trouble free operating life.
• Thermal Protection
Built-in thermal protection circuits guard against overheat-
ing which could shorten the normal long life expectancy of
your McIntosh power amplifier.
• Direct Current Protection
Direct Current sensing circuits on each channel provide
extra protection for your valuable loudspeakers.
• Convenient Single Cable Hookup
A rear panel connector provides for the convenience of us-
ing a single cable, (DB25 computer style) to receive all au-
dio and power control signals from a McIntosh Multizone
Control System.
Eight 50 watt McIntosh amplifier channels in one conve-
nient package make the MC58 an ideal amplifier for a
multizone system. The MC58 can be configured in differ-
ent Operating Modes to fit a wide range of uses where a
multichannel amplifier is required. For example, it has the
ability to bridge a pair of channels for 100 watts output.
• Individual Channel or Bridged Pair Configuration
Each pair of MC58 amplifier channels can be operated
separately at 50 watts each, or bridged for 100 watts. The
MC58 is ideal for any application requiring a multichannel
power amplifier, such as a mulitzone system or home the-
ater system.
• Front Panel
The classic McIntosh Illuminated glass front panel includes
eight individual channel power guard indicators, four chan-
nel pair status indicators and a Power On/Off switch.