Dimensions and Installation
The MC58 can be placed upright on a table or shelf, stand-
ing on its four 1 inch high feet. The four feet may be re-
moved from the bottom of the MC58 when it is custom in-
stalled as outlined below. The four feet together with the
mounting screws should be retained for possible future use
if the MC58 is removed from the custom installation and
used free standing. It also can be custom installed in a
piece of furniture
or cabinet of your
choice. The re-
quired panel cut-
out, ventilation cut-
out and unit dimen-
sions are shown.
Always provide
adequate ventila-
tion for your
MC58. Cool opera-
tion ensures the
longest possible
operating life for
any electronic in-
strument. Do not
install the MC58
directly above a
heat generating
component such as
a high powered
amplifier. If all the
components are
installed in a single
cabinet, a quiet
running ventilation
fan can be a defi-
nite asset in main-
taining all the sys-
tem components at
the coolest possible
operating tempera-
A custom cabi-
net installation
should provide the
following mini-
mum spacing di-
mensions for cool
operation. Allow at
least 6 inches (15.24 cm) above the top, 2 inches
(3.81cm) below the bottom and 1 inch (2.54 cm) on each
side of the power amplifier, so that airflow is not ob-
structed. Allow 20 inches (50.8 cm) depth behind the
front panel. Be sure to cut out a ventilation hole in the
mounting shelf according to the dimensions in the draw-