
Technical data
Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
Vehicle components and their respective
lubricants must match.
Therefore use only products tested and ap-
proved by Mercedes-Benz.
Please refer to the Factory Approved Ser-
vice Products pamphlet, or inquire at an
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center.
Model Capacity Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc.
Engine with oil filter G 500
8.5 US qt (8.0 l)
9.0 US qt (8.5 l)
Approved engine oils
Automatic transmission 9.0 US qt (8.5 l) MB Automatic Transmission Fluid
Transfer case 2.96 US qt (2.8 l) MB part no. A 001 989 28 03 10
Differential lock mechanism 0.47 - 0.63 US qt
(0.45 - 0.6 l)
Brake fluid DOT 3+4, SAE J1703
Front axle G 500
1.5 US qt (1.4 l)
1.5 US qt (1.4 l)
Hypoid gear oil SAE 85W-90
Hypoid gear oil Castrol SAF-XJ
Rear axle G 500
1.9 US qt (1.8 l)
1.9 US qt (1.8 l)
Hypoid gear oil SAE 85W-90
Hypoid gear oil Castrol SAF-XJ
Power steering approx. 1.06 US qt (1.0 l) MB Power Steering Fluid, or
approved Dexron III ATF
Front wheel hubs approx. 1.5 oz (43 g) each High temperature roller bearing grease
Fuel tank
including a reserve of
G 500
25.4 US gal (96.0 l)
23.8 US gal (90.0 l)
3.4 US gal (13.0 l)
Premium unleaded gasoline:
Minimum Posted Octane 91
(average of 96 RON/86 MON)