Practical hints ................................. 287
What to do if … .................................. 288
Lamps in instrument cluster ........ 288
Lamp in center console................ 295
Vehicle status messages in the
multifunction display.................... 296
Where will I find...? ............................ 321
First aid kit................................... 321
Vehicle tool kit............................. 321
Vehicle jack.................................. 322
CD changer.................................. 322
Spare wheel ................................. 323
Unlocking/locking in an emergency.. 325
Unlocking the vehicle................... 325
Locking the vehicle ...................... 326
Fuel filler flap ............................... 326
Manually unlocking the
transmission gear selector lever.. 327
Opening/closing in an emergency..... 328
Tilt/sliding sunroof ...................... 328
Brush guard*...................................... 329
Lowering and raising brush
guard ............................................ 330
Replacing SmartKey batteries ............ 331
SmartKey...................................... 332
Replacing bulbs.................................. 333
Bulbs............................................. 333
Replacing bulbs for front lamps.... 335
Replacing bulbs for rear lamps ..... 341
Replacing wiper blades....................... 344
Removing wiper blades................. 344
Installing wiper blades .................. 345
Flat tire............................................... 346
Preparing the vehicle .................... 346
Mounting the spare wheel ............ 347
Battery................................................ 351
Charging the battery..................... 351
Disconnecting the battery............. 352
Reconnecting the battery.............. 353
Jump starting...................................... 354
Towing the vehicle.............................. 356
Transporting the vehicle ............... 358
Towing the vehicle - various
problem scenarios ........................ 358
Front towing eye........................... 359
Rear towing eye............................ 359
Freeing a stranded vehicle............ 359
Fuses.................................................. 360
Fuse box in passenger
compartment................................ 360
Fuse box in battery box ................ 360
Fuse box in front passenger
footwell......................................... 361
Fuse box in middle tunnel............. 362