Tachometer 121
Tail lamps 401
Tar stains see Vehicle care
TDMA or CDMA network phones
(Telephone*) 236
Technical data
Air conditioning refrigerant 451
Brake fluid 451
Coolants 453
Electrical system 446
Engine 438
Engine oil 451
Fuel additives 453
Fuel requirements 452
Fuels, coolants, lubricants, etc. 449
Headlamp cleaning system* 456
Main dimensions 447
Parts service 434
Premium unleaded gasoline 452
Rims and tires 439
Weights 448
Windshield washer system 456
Tele Aid system 273, 462
Call priority 279
Initiating an emergency call 276
Remote door unlock 280
Requirements 273
Roadside Assistance 277
Stolen Vehicle Recovery
services 280
System self-check 274
Telephone* 272
Compartment 266
GSM network phones 229
Operation 151, 203
Tightening torque 462
Wheel bolts 419
Time and date synchronization with head
unit* (Control system) 139
TIN 346
Tire and Loading Information 321
Tire and loading terminology 344
Tire care and maintenance 318
Tire Identification Number see TIN
Tire inflation pressure 410
Air pressure 344
Checking 327, 329
Tire inflation pressure see the placard on
the fuel filler flap
Tire inspection 318
Tire load rating 346
Tire ply composition and material
used 346
Tire speed rating 336, 346
Tire terminology 344
TIREFIT kit* (Vehicle tool kit) 388, 389
Instructions for use 408
Tires 317, 439
Cleaning 319
Collapsible (Spare wheel) 458
Direction of rotation 320
Driving instructions 297
Flat tire 408
Important guidelines 317
Inflating with air pump 417
MOExtended system* 333
Mounting wheel 415