Control systems
COMAND navigation system (Point of interest entry)
As soon as COMAND can clearly attribute
the characters entered to a POI, the input
characters 4 disappear.
You see the POI list without input charac-
ters. Here you can confirm the current en-
try or make another selection.
You can also manually switch to the POI
list without input characters at any time.
̈ Switching manually to the POI list
without input characters: Slide qm.
̈ Select ? in the second line from the
bottom and press n.
POI list without input characters
̈ Selecting a destination: Slide qmr or
rotate ymz.
̈ Canceling selection: Select “Back”
and press n.
̈ Press back button L in the center
console (
୴ page 86).
̈ Confirming selection: Press n.
̈ Starting route calculation:
Select “Start”, see also (
୴ page 190).
List options
Options in category and POI lists
If you enter a POI in the surrounding area,
initially, only categories and POIs within a
radius of approximately 12 mi around the
vehicle position are available.
The same applies if you enter a POI within
a given town or city and have previously
entered more than the state (USA) or prov-
ince (CDN) and the city or town.
If you expand the list, the search radius in-
creases to around 90 mi. This gives you ac-
cess to all categories and POIs within a
radius of about 90 mi.
̈ Expanding list: In one of the lists se-
lect “Options” Ǟ “Expand Search”.
The list is expanded.