Controls in detail
Loading and storing
̈ Locking: Insert the mechanical key
into the glove box lock and turn it
clockwise to position 3.
̈ Unlocking: Insert the mechanical key
into the glove box lock and turn it coun-
terclockwise to position 2.
Storage compartments in the front
1 Storage tray/telephone* compartment
2 Storage compartment (not with rear
climate control system*)
̈ Opening storage tray/telephone*
compartment: Press button 1 and
swing armrest to left or right side.
̈ Opening storage compartment:
Press button 2 and swing center arm-
rest upward.
Storage compartments below the front
̈ Opening: Pull tab 1 upward and fold
cover 2 forward.
Eyeglasses compartment
̈ Opening: Press mark 1.
̈ Closing: Swing eyeglasses compart-
ment upward until it engages.