Control systems
COMAND system settings
Setting the time/date format
̈ Select “Vehicle” Ǟ “System Settings”
Ǟ “Time” Ǟ “Format”.
The format list appears. The dots R in
front of the list entries indicate the cur-
rent setting.
̈ Changing format setting:
Select desired format.
̈ Saving setting and exit the menu:
Slide omp.
Voice Control* settings
Switching help window on or off
̈ Select “Vehicle”Ǟ “System Settings”
Ǟ “Voice Control”.
̈ Select “Help Window”.
You can switch the help window on or
off. A checkmark appears when the
help window is switched on.
Using individualization, you can fine-tune
Voice Control* to your own voice and thus
improve voice recognition. The ability of
the system to recognize the commands of
other users does not deteriorate as a re-
Individualization consists of two parts. You
train the system to recognize digits in the
first part and specific commands in the
second part.
Starting new individualization
̈ Select “Vehicle” Ǟ “System Settings”
Ǟ “Voice Control” Ǟ “Start new indi-
A prompt appears asking whether you
would like further information.
̈ Select “Yes” or “No”.
If you select “No”, the first part of indi-
vidualization begins.
If you select “Yes”, an information dis-
play will be shown with audio instruc-
̈ Closing display: Select “OK”.
The first part of individualization be-
At the end of the first part, you will see
a prompt asking whether you want to
begin the second part.
̈ Select “Yes” or “No”.
If you select “No”, individualization will
be canceled. The data from the first
part is saved automatically.
If you select “Yes”, the second part be-
Individualization is completed at the end of
the second part. You will see a message to
this effect. The data from the second part
is saved automatically.
It is only possible to start individualization
with the vehicle stationary. After starting the
session, the system will guide you through the in-
dividualization by means of acoustic instruc-