Control systems
Voice Control* introduction
You may not need to spell the entire name
(street, intersection, city or point of inter-
est) especially if the name is lengthy. Spell-
ing the first three to five characters of the
name should be sufficient for the system
to recognize the name provided it is avail-
able on the navigation DVD.
The selection appearing on the COMAND
display is sorted based on your recognized
voice input and a matching algorithm.
You can use the commands “Next page” or
“Previous page” to scroll up or down in the
Use the command “Correction” to start
over by again spelling the name.
Speak each character as clearly as you
can, especially when they sound very simi-
lar (d or e).
Command types
The Voice Control System commands can
be categorized as:
ț General Commands
These are commands always available
to you as soon as the Voice Control
System is activated (for example
“Help” commands).
ț Local Commands
These are commands specific to the
currently active system shown in the
COMAND display (for example com-
mands to control the CD/DVD chang-
For a complete list of commands
୴ page 315).
Active System
The active system is the system currently
shown in the COMAND display.
If, for example, you listen to the radio while
the telephone system is active on the
COMAND display, you have to switch to
the radio using the command “Radio” be-
fore you can operate the radio.
During Voice Control System operation visu-
al help windows also appear in the COMAND dis-
play (
୴ page 288).