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For silky, warm and round jazz tones, run the .50 Caliber in the Rhythm mode with the Treble set low
and the Bass and Middle turned up higher. Add sparkle with the Presence control.
You've already read our recommendations for these settings in the TREBLE section
above, and because the tone controls are interactive, all three must be set together.
That "sweet spot" setting for maximal funky clean tones also depends on the right amount of Bass
and Middle. Settings of 4 to 6 for both of these controls will usually provide the best balance against
"that perfect Treble setting" where the tone is springy and bright but not "hard" sounding.
The Bass and Middle response has been very carefully designed to allow fatness in the Rhythm
mode while avoiding tubbiness or flab when footswitching to a crunch, lead or metal tone.
REVERB The .50 Caliber amplifier includes a 3-spring miniature Hammond-Accutronics reverb, and
all-tube send/return electronics. Tonal quality is outstandingly good. NOTE: If both Reverb and
Master(s) controls are set extremely high, acoustical feedback between the speaker and the reverb
springs may occur. This does not indicate a fault or malfunction with the amplifier, and is only caused
by an inappropriate and unnecessary combination of settings. Should this "reverb howl" begin to
occur, turn down either the Masters or the Reverb.
PRESENCE This control lets you dial in your exact choice of extreme high frequencies and sets up
the basic brightness of the overall tone. Brighter tones generally sound clearer and cleaner while less
bright tones sound “warmer”. Season to your liking ... most players run the Presence between 5 and
This feature is fun to use and definitely expands the tonal flexibility of the .50
Plus. (But for those who opt not to use the Graphic - don't worry! All of the R&D for tonal performance
was conducted without using the Equalizer… so that it wouldn't be necessary for obtaining good
tone.) The three-position EQ Switch selects either “EQ IN” (bottom position); “EQ AUTO” (which
automatically activates the EQ whenever you switch to the Lead mode); or EQ OUT (the unlabelled
center position). If you are using the optional EQ Footswitch to control the Equalizer remotely (via the
rear panel “EQ Footswitch” jack), the front panel switch should generally be set to its center EQ OUT
position, since the footswitch cannot override the “EQ IN” mode (although it can be used to turn on
the EQ when you're in Rhythm mode with "EQ AUTO" selected).
Although there are hundreds of ways to set the Graphic, there is one setting that's particularly useful
and popular - the classic “V”! Move the first and last sliders about three-fourths of the way up. Move
the second and fourth sliders two-thirds of the way up. Move the center slider about three-quarters of
the way down… then fine-tune your sound using just this center slider. (You'll hear how a slight
adjustment at the 750 Hz position makes a dramatic difference in the sound, whether you're playing
with moderate distortion, heavy distortion, or perfectly clean.) This “V” setting makes the amp sound
even bigger, bolder, fatter and “hazier”… especially at very soft playing levels.