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Your amplifier is equipped with a metal shield that clamps in under the preamp tubes, to protect them
from vibration, flying footswitches, and other hazards. To gain access to the preamp tubes, merely
release the barbed nylon catches and the aluminum plate will fold down on concealed hinges.
Changing preamp tubes is easier if you first remove one or both of the larger power tubes. Make
certain you have all the tube pins aligned properly before pushing them in.
If rough handling of the amp has occurred, or when replacing tubes, make certain that the tubes are
plugged all the way into their sockets and are centered within the metal holes of the chassis sheet
metal. A tube that is leaning over in its socket can vibrate and buzz against the metal chassis,
causing annoying noises. Or even worse, a crooked power tube can cause a reduction in available
clean power, and break-up similar to that caused by a bad speaker. Should this occur, make certain
that the power tubes are seated squarely in their sockets.
ENJOY! Most of all… enjoy your .50 Caliber Plus. We think you'll find it's a great sounding amplifier,
built to satisfy professional demands for performance and reliability. And it should last a lifetime with
only moderate care and maintenance. It's extremely “user-friendly” and there's almost nothing you
can do to damage it, short of an accident or outright abuse. We've put our best into the design of the
.50 Caliber Plus, so you can get the most out of your playing. We've intentionally given it a real
“spongy” feel with plenty of “give”, so it helps your playing and even smooths over your little mistakes!
(Or as one good player said, "It makes my sloppiness sound like expressiveness… I love it!")
So remember - when all's said and done, the essence of music is PLAYING! So grab your guitar and