
Windows CE System settings
M000174-19 31
4.7.4 INFO
The MAC address of the HMI device is displayed in the Info page. This is a manufacturer-specific and
unique Ethernet connection number of the device.
The Info tab is not available for XV100 devices. The MAC address can be viewed by double touching
the icon in the network connection in the taskbar.
4.7.5 C
The network settings can either be made using the «IpSetup.exe» program or as described in the
Command line call. The supported parameters are listed in the following table. All parameters
can be used as required, although only the settings of the used parameters can be changed.
-a [IP address] IP address
-a off Delete IP address or set to DHCP is activated automatically if the
address is set to
-m [Subnet mask] Subnet mask
-m std Subnet mask is set according to the class of the set IP address (see table of
IP classes in chapter
IP Address)
-g [Gateway] Sets the gateway address
-g off Deletes the gateway address
-d [DNS] First DNS address
-d2 [DNS] Second DNS address
-d off Deletes the DNS addresses
-w [WINS] First WINS address
-w2 [WINS] Second WINS address
-w off Deletes the WINS addresses
-speed auto, 10, 100 Sets the network speed to 10M, 100M or automatic. The default setting is
«auto», which causes the device to determine the network speed
automatically. If a fixed speed is set, the «duplex» setting must also be set.
-duplex auto, half, full Sets the «Duplex» mode to «half», «full» or automatic. The default setting is
«auto». The setting must always be activated together with «speed».
-r Device is restarted immediately if the settings are modified.
-c If this option is used, the network settings do not apply to the integrated
Ethernet interface but to an NE2000 compatible network card in the
Compact Flash slot.
-s Status display of the current settings
-? Shows the possible parameters on screen
For example, the following line inside the «Autoexec.bat» file sets the IP address:
START ipsetup.exe –a –m –g off –w off –d off