
Windows CE Programs
M000174-19 69
Parameter Description
-import «file» Import the entries from the stated REG file
-export «file» Export of the complete registry to the stated file
« "File" » Import of the REG file, the file name must be placed between opening and
closing delimiters! This entry is only supported to ensure compatibility, use the
parameter «import».
-q If the call is executed without the –q parameter, a message will appear on
screen after the import. With the –q parameter, a message will only appear in
the event of a fault.
-h or -? Displays information on the available command line parameters.
7.11.2 F
Files with the suffix «.REG» can be imported providing that the following syntax is observed:
Type Description
String “«Identifier»”=“«text»”
Multi string “«Identifier»”=multi_sz:“«text1»”,“«text2»”,“«text3»”
Double word
“«Identifier»”=dword:«Value in hex»
Binary “«Identifier»”=hex(3):11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88
Æ The hex(3) entry is mandatory
Æ The values 11,22,... are examples
Æ If the binary values in the REG file are written on several lines, the line break
must be made with the «\» character.
; A semi-colon at the beginning of a line indicates a comment line and is not
included in the import.
See also chapter Command line call, Autoexec.reg.
Example of a REG file:
"CalibrationData"="2108,2032 1111,1029 1104 3053 3099,3043"