Instruction Manual Mi455 FREE & TOTAL SULPHUR DIOXIDE Minititrator for wine analysis
• Press START STOP in order to start titration.
The display will show “----” during titration,
along with stirrer and pump tags blinking on
the LCD.
• At the end of the titration, the Sulphur Dioxide
concentration is displayed in mg/L (ppm).
• Fill the 50 mL beaker up to 50 mL mark with
the wine sample.
Note: It is important to be accurate in your
measurement of wine sample. Pipettes are
• Place the stir bar in the beaker and put the
beaker in the minititrator top.
• Fill the 20 mL beaker up to the 5 mL mark
with the Mi555-003 Alkaline Reagent and
add the content to the 50 mL beaker.
• Swirl the beaker and wait for 15 minutes.
• Using a clean pipette, fill the 20 mL beaker
up to the 5 mL mark with the Mi555-004
Acid Reagent and add the content to the 50
mL beaker.
• Open refill cap on the ORP electrode and
immerse the electrode approximately 2 cm
(0.8”) into the
sample to be tested. Do not
touch stir bar with the tip of the electrode.