1.2 Roadmap of this manual
Where to find what in this User’s Manual
You don't know exactly where to find the information you need? The
following table is designed to help you.
Alternatively, to find information on a specific problem, refer to the index
at the end of this User's Manual.
No. Title of chapter Content of chapter
Contents A complete list of all the chapters and sub-chapters in
this User’s Manual.
1 Introduction Introductory remarks and information on how to use
this manual as well as notes on the safe use of the
2 Unpacking, installing and
setting up the printer
|nformation on how to set up the printer as well as an
introduction to the various features.
3 Installing the printer driver A step-by-step explanation of the routine for installing
the printer driver.
4 Working with the Windows
printer drivers
Details of how to control the printer via the printer
driver. This helps you learn how to use the printer’s
functions effectively.
5 Working with the Windows
printer tools
Details of how you can use the supplementary
Windows programs most effectively.
6 Working with the printer Getting to know how your printer works. For example,
information on:
• loading paper
• monitoring print jobs
• cancelling print jobs
7 Installing optional
Details of how to install optional accessories
correctly, for example.:
• 500-sheet paper feed tray
• network card
8 Caring for and maintaining
your printer
Details of how to look after your printer and how you
can easily replace cerain parts yourself.
9 Troubleshooting Help with analysing and rectifying problems.
10 Appendix A collection of helpful additional information, for
• technical specifications
• index of keywords