138 Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual
Muscle or Nerve Stimulation – Inappropriate muscle or
nerve stimulation may occur with unipolar pacing when using
a non-coated Stratos CRT-P.
Myopotential Sensing – The filter characteristics of
BIOTRONIK implantable devices have been optimized to
sense electrical potentials generated by cardiac activity and to
reduce the possibility of sensing skeletal myopotentials.
However, the risk of pulse generator operation being affected
by myopotentials cannot be eliminated, particularly in unipolar
systems. Myopotentials may resemble cardiac activity,
resulting in inhibition of pacing, triggering and/or emission of
asynchronous pacing pulses, depending on the pacing mode
and the interference pattern. Certain follow-up procedures,
such as monitoring pulse generator performance while the
patient is doing exercises involving the use of pectoral
muscles, as well as Holter monitoring, have been
recommended to check for interference caused by
myopotentials. If sensing of myopotentials is encountered,
corrective actions may include selection of a different pacing
mode or sensitivity setting.
7.3 Pulse Generator Orientation
The Stratos CRT-Ps may be used in either the left or right side
pectoral implants. Either side of the CRT-Ps can face the skin to
facilitate excess lead wrap.