Stratos LV/LV-T Technical Manual 71
In the ventricular-controlled modes, the basic interval is started
by a ventricular event.
Programming Modifications – Extreme programming
changes should only be made after careful clinical
assessment. Clinical judgment should be used when
programming permanent pacing rates below 40 ppm or above
100 ppm.
2.3.2 Rate Hysteresis
Rate Hysteresis can be programmed in DDD(R), DDT(R),
AAI(R) and AAT(R) modes. Hysteresis can be programmed
OFF or to values as low as -50 bpm. The Hysteresis rate is
based on the lower rate and the value of the programmable
parameter. Hysteresis is initiated by a sensed event. The
resulting Hysteresis rate is always less than the lower rate. A
conflict symbol (>>) will appear and transmission will be
prohibited for Hysteresis rates which are less than 30 bpm. The
ability to decrease the effective lower rate through Hysteresis is
intended to preserve intrinsic rhythm. The Stratos CRT-Ps
operate by waiting for a sensed event throughout the effective
lower rate interval (Hysteresis interval). If no sensed event
occurs, a pacing pulse is emitted following the Hysteresis
In DDD(R), DDT(R)/A, DDT(R), VDD(R), VDT(R), AAT(R) and
AAI(R) pacing modes, the hysteresis interval starts with an atrial
sense event. In DDI(R), VVI(R), VVT(R) and VDI(R) pacing
modes, the hysteresis interval starts with a ventricular sense
event. In DDD(R), DDT(R)/A, DDT(R), VDD(R) and VDT(R)
pacing modes, the hysteresis interval also starts with ventricular
If rate adaptation is active, the Hysteresis rate is based on
the current sensor-indicated rate and the value of the
programmable parameter.