9.1 Function Outline
II - 289
(SETUP PARAM 5. 1/15)
# Item Details Setting range
Pinc Machine error
offset increment
Specify whether to use the incremental
amount method or absolute amount method
when setting the machine error
compensation data.
0: Absolute volume
1: Incremental
volume method
<1st axis>
# Item Details Setting range
4001 cmpax Basic axis Specify the basic axis address for machine
error compensation.
1) For pitch error compensation‚ set the
name of the axis to be compensated.
2) For relative position compensation‚ set
the name of the axis to be the base axis.
X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B,
or C axis address
4002 drcax Compensation
Set the compensation axis address for
machine error compensation.
1) For pitch error compensation‚ set the
same axis name as #4001 cmpax.
2) For relative position compensation‚ set
the name of the axis to be actually
X, Y, Z, U, V, W, A, B,
or C axis address
4003 rdvno Division point
number at
reference point
Set the compensation data No.
corresponding to the reference point
position. The reference point is actually the
base‚ so there is no compensation No. Set
the number that is decremented by 1.
4101 to 5124
4004 mdvno Division point
number at the
most negative
Set the compensation data No. that is on
the farthest negative side.
4101 to 5124
4005 pdvno Division point
number at the
most positive side
Set the compensation data No. that is on
the farthest positive side.
4101 to 5124
4006 sc Compensation
scale factor
Set the compensation amount’s scale. 0 to 99
4007 spcdv Division interval Set the interval to divide the basic axis.
Each compensation data will be the
compensation amount for each of these
1 to 9999999